Obviously, I haven't been blogging for the past, oh ... 2 years, or so. I have been living life, staying busy, and mostly visiting the internet via my phone or ipad, neither of which I find very conducive to blogging. As we recently celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary, I was looking back at the blog reminisicing about our 1st anniversary and how fun it was to have a record of all of the memories around that time. With all of our major life changes recently, I woud love to have a place to jot down memories and stash a photo or two ... because goodness knows none of them ever make it off my phone or computer to actually be printed.
In an effort to "catch up", here's a quick random collection of events and photos from the past couple of years. I'm "looking back" solely for my benefit, in an effort to have a collection of memories other than my not-always-reliable brain and my camera's memory card.
I trained with the USAFit marathon program in the summer/fall of 2010. We were training for the Thunder Road marathon in December in Charlotte, but due to some other--more important--life events, my friend Veronica and I ended up running the Disney Marathon in Orlando in January.
We said "see you later" to Jett's dad in September of 2010. He passed unexpectedly, and it was the hardest thing we've ever had to go through. His dad was an incredible man, and one that I'm proud to have called my father-in-law.
I completed the Disney marathon in January 2011.
I was offered and accepted a job as a pediatric nurse practitioner in January 2011. We moved to Mooresville (we rented an apartment since we moved so quickly) in February.
I started my job in March of 2011.
We said "see you later" to my granddaddy in March of 2011. He was almost 93 years old and an incredible man!
We started attending our now "home church", which we later joined. We are so blessed with a wonderful church family.
Jett started a new job with a local insurance agent in October of 2011 (thank goodness, no more crazy shifts!).
We had a kitten, "Boots", that I found in our apartment parking lot. He only stayed for a few short days before leaving us high and dry.
We bought a new (to us) car in September 2011 (a 2008 Toyota 4 Runner). We acquired our first ever car payment.
We bought our first home in March of 2012, and moved in on Easter weekend. (Hence, acquiring our first ever mortgage .. along with that car payment).
We started leading the middle school youth group at our church in 2012.
We went to a few concerts: Zac Brown, Corey Smith, and Coldplay.
Obviously this is just an assortment of the past couple of years. We've celebrated many birthdays and holidays in between, and we've made lots of other memories as well.
We've also taken a few trips, including: a day trip to Stone Mountain, NC for our 2nd anniversary; a weekend trip to Boone for Jett's 27th birthday; a weekend trip to Topsail Island for my sister-in-law's 30th birthday; a few different trips back to Charleston (one for Jett's counsin's wedding, one for a work conference for me, and one for my friend Veronica's wedding); a weekend spent camping in Blacksburg, VA for the App State v. Virginia Tech football game; a weekend in Weaverville, NC for our 3rd anniversary; another weekend in Boone with friends for the App State Black Saturday game; a weekend in Bryson City for my brother's 30th birthday; a girl's weekend in Lake James with some of my former coworkers; a week in Topsail for a summer beach vaction; and a weekend in Ferguson, NC for an early 4th anniversary trip.
Post Disney Marathon, January 2011 |
At the Zac Brown Concert, July 2011 |
With my granddaddy, Thanksgiving 2010 |
Jett getting ready for trick or treating with his nephews, Halloween 2010 |
Post race, 2010 (I just can't remember which one!) |
Pumpkin pickin', 2010 |
Jett with his Granny, September 2010 |
Pumpkin pickin', 2010 |
Halloween 2010 |
Christmas 2010 |
We had a white Christmas for the first time I can remember, 2010 |
Post Dowd 1/2 Marathon, 2010 |
Mountains with friends, January 2011 |
"Jimmie Jam" concert with Veronica, 2011 |
Topsail Island, view from the balcony, July 2011 |
My Pawpaw's birthday, August 2011 |
Go cart racing |
Boots, our adopted kitten (who un-adopted us after about a week) |
Getting ready for "Greertoberfest", 2011 |
On our way to the mountains for our 3rd anniversary, 2011 |
Max Patch, 2011 (3rd anniversary trip) |
Max Patch, 2011 |
Christmas 2011 |
Charleston for Veronica's wedding, December 2011 |
Charleston for Veronica's wedding, December 2011 |
App State football game, October 2011 |
With Cooper and baby Avonlea, April 2011 |
Day in Magic Kingdom after the Disney Marathon, January 2011 |
Reunited with my beloved peds coworkers at a wedding, August 2011 |
"Greertoberfest" 2011 |
Stand-up paddleboarding on Lake James, April 2012 |
In Charleston for Veronica's wedding, December 2011 |
Our first house! (April 2012) |
At a friend's wedding on Lake Norman, June 2012 |
Coldplay concert, July 2012